WEEK#16 FINAL BLOG Tonga is vulnerable to a number of natural hazards due to its location and topographical nature. Given its levels of exposure to the aforementioned hazards, the Kingdom of Tonga holds second place among 172 countries covered by the World Risk Index 2018. Tonga sits at the junction of two major tectonic plates the Indo- Australian plate in the West and the Pacific Plate in the East . It is part of the Pacific “Ring of Fire” that encircles the entire ocean basin. Tonga's two most dangerous hazards are tsunamis and tropical cyclon e. A tsunami is caused from anything that rapidly displaces a large volume of water. Typically, tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, but landslides, volcanic eruptions, calving icebergs, and (very rarely) meteorite impacts can also generate tsunamis. These types of events can cause large disturbances in the surface of the ocean causing large volumes of water to move. A tsunami happen due to its location. HTHH is an